Monday, March 30, 2009

Sydney Writers Festival, Secondary School Days

As doubtful as I might be regarding the widespreadedness of this blog and the sundry thoughts expressed herein, I'm going to put this out there anyway. The Sydney Writers Festival is coming, from May 18-24. The program is locked in, the writers are booked, the venues are ready.

Now, if you are a secondary student, or someone who works with secondary students, or indeed anyone keen to hear some YA writers talk about their work, there are two Secondary School Days organised by the festival. They are on Tuesday, May 19 at the Sydney Theatre, Walsh Bay (basically under the south pylon of the Bridge) and Wednesday, May 20, at the Riverside Theatre, Parramatta.

The authors speaking will be Randah Abdel-Fattah (Does My Head Look Big in This?; Ten Things I Hate About Me), Mal Peet (Tamar; Keeper; The Penalty), Garth Nix (Keys To The Kingdom series), Isobelle Carmody (Obernewtyn Chronicles), and me.

Further details are available here.


Mike said...

Awesome line-up!

james roy said...

I'm really looking forward to both days. I'm going to be interviewing Mal Peet for Magpies a few days before, which I'm also very excited about.