Thursday, April 9, 2009

Parallel Importation

This from the news section of the Australian Society of Authors website, regarding parallel importation, and how the 'Coalition for Cheaper Books', led by Dymocks, seems determined to undermine the livelihood of Australian authors, along with our unique literary culture:

Parallel Importation

The draft report from the Productivity Commission on the parallel importation of books has been released. Authors have until April 17 to make submissions in response.The ASA’s view is that the report does not show books are more expensive in Australia, yet supports the fact that Australia’s literary culture benefits from territorial copyright. Therefore, we reject any suggestion for changes to the current restrictions on the parallel importation of books. We call on members to make submissions supporting this view not only to the Commission, but also to the Prime Minister and Cabinet. These submissions are best done as hard copy documents — faxes or traditional mail — rather than email, since politicians give more weight to this form of document.
Click here to read the report.

Go here for the latest ASA news and press on the subject, or here for the newly created AusBooks website.

Brisbane: Children's authors protest against Parallel Importation. Join the protest on 16 April at 10.30am, outside the Queen Street entrance of Dymocks.

The group has chosen Dymocks because they are the most pro-active members of the “Coalition for Cheaper Books”, and the distributor of a petition they claim will “help reduce the price of books". The ASA refutes this, and urges all members who are also members of Dymocks Booklovers to consider removing themselves from the mailing list, and registering their protest at Dymocks’ actions with Managing Director Don Grover (c/- Dymocks, 424 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000).

1 comment:

Sheryl Gwyther said...

Hi James
Here's some more information on the Qld children's authors protest - see
We're not taking this action lightly; we hold no animosity towards Dymocks' staff, but there is no doubt the Australian book industry is threatened by this attempt to lift the restrictions on the Parallel Importation of Books.
The 'Coalition for Cheaper Books', led by Dymocks with their aggressive campaign makes us all the more suspicious.